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💜Nourished Postpartum Package💜

New Mama’s deserve the most exquisite loving care possible and this package has been lovingly and thoughtfully created based on traditional practices meant to nourish and replenish Mama’s body, mind, and spirit following pregnancy and childbirth. 


These nurturing home-visit treatments are based on the Mama’s needs. This includes acupressure/ acupuncture, massage/gentle touch, mother warming (please see below for description), herbal/dietary/lifestyle support, breastfeeding support, early newborn care, help with household tasks/errands/other children, and a loving, supportive presence to help you navigate the flowing changes of motherhood. 

I am a postpartum doula trained to support families in their transition into parenthood. I am also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, herbalist, and instructor at Pacific Rim College where I teach gynecology & obstetrics and pediatrics. I am in the process of completing further Birth Doula training and will delightedly be offering Birth Doula services beginning in June 2024 💜. 

As part of my unique offering, I use my skills as a doctor and herbalist to treat physical and mental/emotional ailments that may arise during postpartum. Please see below for a list of what acupuncture/acupressure can be helpful for during postpartum. This care extends to your little ones as well, if needed. Babies respond wonderfully to simple, gentle treatments for common conditions such as colic, constipation, coughs and colds, diarrhea, rashes, and more. 

Included in this package is 3 x 2-hour home visits with bodywork such as acupuncture/acupressure to replenish the body after childbirth and address any physical/mental/emotional concerns, abdominal massage to help the organs back into place after pregnancy, a vitamin/mineral rich herbal tea to replenish the body and support emotional regulation, a perineum spray, and sitz bath herbs to heal the perineal area. 


During these visits I am also available to help mama's in any ways they need such as household tasks, laundry, meal prep, etc. I'm here to make the transition into motherhood as easeful as possible. 

Ongoing email/text/phone support is also included. You’re never alone and I will always be here supporting you with any questions or concerns you may be experiencing. Postpartum is a time of great change and allowing yourself to be supported is vitally important 💜. 

Included in the package

3 x 2-hour home visits
Acupuncture/acupressure/gentle touch/massage each visit
Mother warming
Herbal tea for replenishment and emotional regulation
Nourishing snacks brought to each visit 
Perineum spray and sitz bath herbs
Support with breastfeeding, early newborn care, errands/household tasks/help with other kiddos
Ongoing email/text/phone support 

Exchange is $475

Because this package includes acupuncture/acupressure, insurance will cover some or all of the cost of each visit - please check with your insurance provider.  Basic MSP will cover $23 of each visit. (All BC residents have basic MSP). 


*If you wish to have Postpartum Doula services such as help with household tasks/errands, breastfeeding support, and early new born care without acupuncture the cost is $45 per hour with a 3-hour minimum visit*




Mother warming is a traditional treatment given following childbirth that helps support healing from birth, increases energy by nourishing Qi and Blood, and supports healthy milk supply. It is done by using indirect Moxibustion over the womb area for 15-20 minutes. Moxibustion is a traditional therapy; the herb Mugwort has been processed and rolled into a stick. One end of the stick is lit and held a few inches away from the body to add warmth and bring circulation and healing to the body. Mugwort is used for its healing properties as well as its penetrating heat. It feels wonderful and is used in many cultures to replenish the woman’s body after childbirth. This is typically done on each visit. 


*Please note that due to varying prices, the cost of additional herbal medicine if required (for example if a Mama has mastitis or requires additional breastfeeding supplementation), is not included in the price of the package, but would never exceed $30/week*

Acupuncture/Acupressure can be very helpful for:
Abdominal pain after childbirth


Anxiety & depression

Back, hip, and pelvic pain

Breastfeeding challenges

Caesarean recovery


Digestive irregularities

Fatigue & exhaustion

Frequent urination

Headaches & migraines

Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, vulvar varicosities



Muscle cramps

Musculoskeletal pain


Symphysis diastasis

Tears and episiotomy

Urinary tract infections

Vaginal discharge and itching

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